Hello and welcome to my totally awesome site! Click on the links on the left to look at some cool and interesting things. Check down below to see any significant updates that I've made to the site. I hope you enjoy your time here and maybe you'll learn something new! This site was inspired by the amazing and wonderful bluef00t. Thank you for introducing me to neocities.
29 January 2025
- Finally posted my end of the year reviews for music and now there is one for film. Go check those out if you are interested in reading about what I had been watching and listening to in 2024.
8 December 2024
- I obtained more information about Deep Sea Recovery Efforts if anyone wants to check that out. The person who originally uploaded it to YouTube contacted me and shared her thoughts and feelings on the matter. I do have a lot more to update, hopefully I will get around to them in the future.
4 July 2024
- I changed the site for the guestbook since the old one went out of service. I also changed a few pages here and there and still have more to update and change. Months ago I added a tour section in my Steve Burns page so if you scroll down you can look at pictures from shows of his in the 2000s.
11 March 2024
- Happy fifth anniversary to my site!!! We have gone through so many changes here and I can not believe that I started this five years ago! I keep thinking that it is quite new. I updated all the pages in the toys section that are below the one titled "My Kids." I still need to update that section and I still need to add a few more toys in some of the other sections, but most of it is there. I still have plans to redo a few more pages, but this is it for now.
11 January 2024
- I added my 2023 music year in review if anyone wants to read that. I also added a page where I talk about meeting Steve Burns. I still have many things to update like my toys page and also some pages in my art section. Whenever I get a really good day off then I will work on all of that. I just have so many new pictures to take.
11 August 2023
- I met STEVE BURNS and found out what happened to Deep Sea Recovery Efforts so please go read that if you want to know more.
25 March 2023
- I changed the URL from "vhsbaby" to "galore." I like this one better and it matches with the username that I like to use "seymourgalore." I have been so busy with work that I can not update this site as much as I would like. When you get home from work you just want to sleep. When you have a day off from work you just want to sleep. No wonder many adults don't have hobbies.
1 January 2023
- I really have not touched this site in a long time. I added a new page where I talk about my new listens in 2022. I want to start doing this and reflect on what music I have been enjoying over the years. More updates will be coming soon. I have been thinking about stuff I want to revise and pages I could possibly add.